A new day brings with it new opportunities to improve one’s life, obviously including a healthier lifestyle. Living a vibrant and active life accompanied by a healthy body and healthy mind is a blessing.

If you want to live a healthy life, you don’t have to make drastic changes to your lifestyle. You can start gradually by making small changes to your daily routine. A healthy life doesn’t happen quickly in a few days. You have to keep the process slow and steady.

A lot of people push themselves into following rigorous and strict routines. This gives them a lot of stress, and with the ongoing stress, they contract many diseases and ailments. For instance, you followed a strict diet plan and skipped meals, which resulted in the production of stomach acid and heartburn. To cure heartburn you may have taken the once-popular Zantac. The NDMA in Zantac poses a huge risk to your health. Several studies have found that NDMA is a carcinogen (a chemical that can cause cancer).

Thus, we recommend you maintain a routine that is effective and easy to follow without stressing yourself and putting your health at risk.

Here are seven tips you can follow for living a healthy life.

1)  Eat Healthy Food

When you eat healthily, you will reduce the risk of falling ill. Eat diverse food items, like nuts, fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, etc. 

Try to include vegetables in your meals to perk up your intake of fruits and veggies.  A healthy adult must eat five portions of fruits and vegetables each day, which is 400gms. Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables as they are healthier. 

2)  Drink a glass of warm water first thing in the morning

You must start your day by re-hydrating with a full glass of warm water. This will not only help in digestion but will also improve the health of your skin and boost energy. It is also a good idea to eat your water in the form of water-rich fruits and veggies.

3)  Multivitamin Supplements

Taking multivitamin supplements daily to get sufficient nutrients is a good idea. You must make this a mandate if your intake of vegetables and fruits is insufficient. Micronutrients like – vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, zinc, iron, copper, and magnesium are important for your immune system. We recommend you consult your doctor before starting a course of multivitamins as high doses of vitamins can also be bad for your health.

4)  Eat food that is rich in Carbohydrates

You should eat foods rich in carbohydrates, such as cereals, rice, pasta, potatoes, bread, etc. You must take at least one of these foods in every meal. Half of the calories in your diet must come from these foods. Eating wholegrain foods, like wholegrain bread, pasta, etc will help increase your fiber intake.

5)  Reduce consumption of two whites, Sugar and Salt

Consuming an increased amount of sodium will increase the risk of stroke and heart disease. We get the required amount of sodium through the salt we eat every day. Lower your salt intake by limiting the amount of salt, fish sauce, soy sauce, and other high-sodium condiments. 

Consuming excessive sugar will increase the chances of tooth decay and unhealthy and unnecessary weight gain. You can limit your intake of sugar by controlling the consumption of snacks that contain sugar, candies, etc.

6)  Reduce screen time

Reducing your screen time is very helpful in leading a healthy and happy life. Make a schedule and follow it diligently, like when to turn off the TV and computer, or limiting your mobile phone usage. Spend quality time with your family, try to turn off all the screens once a week, and do something creative and active with your family and friends.

7)  30 Minutes of Sunlight every day

Sunlight maintains the level of Vitamin D in your body, which is an important nutrient for your overall health. Thus, get at least 30 minutes of sunlight each day; if possible sit in the sun in the afternoon without sunscreen. If you don’t get enough sunlight where you live, supplement it with vitamin D supplements.

8) Watch Your Weight

Always keep a track of your body weight, measure it daily or weekly at least. This process will help you understand how much weight you have gained and whether you are in the process of losing weight. Being overweight has never been good.


It is not necessary to follow all the tips from day one, do not stress yourself, or you won’t feel like doing anything after a couple of days. Take it easy, start with the things you actually enjoy doing, and then move on gradually.