Believe it or not, eating too much healthy food is not good for you. For the many aspects of life, too much of something is never good. As the song by Queen go “Too much love will…” You can fill in the rest.
Now, let’s better understand the downsides of excessive healthy food. In doing so, you can better take care of yourself without sacrificing your love for healthy food.
1. How much is too much protein?

Many healthy foods are packed with protein. Most people are wary of how much protein they consume in a day. According to Harvard Health Publishing, the most common recommendations are 46 grams a day for women and 56 grams a day for men. Despite that info, the amount of protein one needs can be uncertain. The best way to go at it is to visit an expert, mainly a nutritionist.
Many people who consume a lot of protein might be bodybuilders. That is because protein provides the body much needed amino acids that serve as building blocks for muscles and bones. Others do it to improve their metabolism that would then aid digestion.
However, there are experts who think that too much protein can be harmful to the body. A high-protein diet can result in a higher risk of kidney stones and heart diseases. If in doubt, visit a doctor and find out as much as you can about your body. That way, you’ll be more informed on just how much protein you can consume in a day.
Here is an interesting fact for you. Did you know that protein is one of three macronutrients? The other two are carbohydrates and fat. Make sure to also learn more about the other two as majority of the food you eat contains carbohydrate and fat.
2. Beta-Carotene in Healthy Foods
Beta-Carotene is something you are very familiar with. You are probably familiar with its other name Vitamin A. Now, Beta-Carotene is an organic drug or pigment you mostly get from plants as it gives them their colors. Beta-Carotene is good for the immune system, eyes, and skin. However, too much of it can also result to not so good things for the body.
For example, too much Vitamin A can lead to the condition Carotenemia which causes the skin to become yellowish orange. Higher doses of Beta-Carotene can also increase the risk of fractures for men and women past menopause. It is also good to know that people with hypothyroidism can’t convert Beta-Carotene to Vitamin A. When it also comes to eating vegetables, another good tip is to buy ones that are organic. Most products you get from grocery stores have a lot of chemicals in them.
3. Overhydration
If there’s dehydration, there’s also overhydration. That’s right, drinking too much water has some bad effects to the body. But, keep in mind that drinking a lot of water, especially when your body needs it is good.
Too much water throughout your body can lead to your cells swelling, even your brain cells. If this does happen to you and it kept happening, then that can result in hypertension. There is also the possibility of water poisoning and intoxication. This are all good information to know. But then, remember to listen to your body when it needs water. Never deprive your body of H2O. The most common recommendation you here is 8 glasses a day. If you need more than that, go for it.
When it comes to taking care of our health, it can be scary to know a lot about things. But at the same time, knowledge is important because it helps humans make better decisions about their bodies. So, always be mindful towards healthy food. Remember that whatever works for others, won’t necessarily work for you. So again, a good step to take towards being more healthy and expanding your knowledge about healthy food is talking to an expert. They know how the body works.
Also don’t stop learning more about this very topic. And, don’t hesitate to share what you know with others. Learning is good, sharing what you’ve learned is better. Just stick to credible sources.