Earning income and saving up on your own isn’t always enough. Even finding a financial coach is difficult, you need to learn if they suit you and if they’re charging you right. Thanks to social media, financial influencers are the second-best thing.
They’re there to give you insights on how to manage your money right, giving you insights on how to look like a million bucks while spending less, what new skills to learn when you’re in need of a side hustle, and more.
The options are endless when it comes to financial influencers; luckily, activeman.com has enumerated it down to the five best financial influencers who vary in style, profession, and of course, helpfulness. If you like what you see, give them a follow!
For all the brothers who want to delve deeper into cryptocurrency, Crypto Mason is the perfect guy for you. He keeps up with the latest trends, he knows how to be successful no matter the preferred form of currency.
With over 1.2M followers on Tik Tok, he has built a community of crypto bros, socializing together to give various insights on the matter. If you want to learn the latest tips on cryptocurrency, Mason is the right guy to follow.
Not all of us can be CEOs overnight or even business managers at that, whatever situation you’re in, Mr. Mony Mustache connects with the common men for a more realistic approach to a better-financed life.
With almost 150K followers on Twitter, Mr. Money Mustache also runs a blog where he gives insights on how to beat the unjust system and live a better and more frugal life. One of his many secrets? Financial discipline. Check him out to learn more!
Godwin has named himself, “The Godfather,” and rightfully so as he is a certified financial coach and adviser that shares knowledge with those who need his guidance. One of the youngest known influencers on this list, he’s here to prove that you can start at any time.
His Tik Tok account boasts success with over 1.7M followers. Godwin posts very insightful content such as the pros and cons of credit cards, online purchases, investing in cars, and so much more.
Chou may not be one of the most popular financial influencers online, but he is surely one of those who practice what they preach. He is the founder of the My Wife Quit Her Job LLC blog, boasting a seven-figure income through various online business and educational courses.
Besides being active on social media, Steve Chous also believes in the power of traditional media, check out his book “The Family First Entrepreneur” which your whole family will surely love.
Of course, one of the most famous finance influencers to date. Aside from being CEO of the famous Berkshire Hathaway, Buffet is also a philanthropist, business tycoon, and investor. With over a million Twitter followers and counting, he continues to inspire and input wisdom to future CEOs and business owners.
His success isn’t just on social media. In the last decade, he has been part of Time’s 100 Most Influential People in the World and has been given the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Former President Barack Obama.
This is an important reminder to not let one influencer dictate your decisions. The more finance influencers you follow, the more you can build your own perspective on how to handle your own investments. Whether it’s cryptocurrency tips or building wealth, the internet is a vast place to find the perfect social media account to guide you.
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