Glute exercises are important because they are important abductors and stabilizers of the hip joint, and they have been linked to a variety of clinical conditions such as low back pain, patellofemoral pain, IT band syndrome, hip impingement, gluteal tendinopathy, and ACL tears.
Strong glutes are essential for controlling the hip joint, assisting in the control of the knee joint, and keeping your knee in a neutral position, especially when standing on one leg. The Gluteus maximus is also important in maintaining the alignment of the entire lower leg.
Here are the five best exercises for building strong glutes that could be used as part of a prehab program or with someone suffering from one of the clinical conditions listed above. The glute exercises are demonstrated based on how much the gluteus medius and minimus are activated via EMG (electromyography).
Lateral Step-Ups

We’ll start with the ones that have a little bit of lower body activation, but lateral step-ups are still one of the most effective glute exercises. Plyometrics are high-impact exercises that work your quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calves. Furthermore, lateral step-ups work your hip flexors.
The lateral step-up is one of the best exercises for developing unilateral leg strength for better balance. It also improves hip stability and stresses knee extension in the most mechanically difficult range. In contrast to the traditional step-up, the side starting position allows the athlete to move more like a squat than a lunge.
Hip/Pelvic Hitch

Hip Hitch is a great way to build strong glutes. This exercise will target the muscles that aid in hip control while walking, running, and performing other leg-related activities. You will be protected against certain injuries and biomechanical issues that can lead to common pain problems if you have sufficient strength in this area.
When done correctly, you should feel the muscles on the side of your hip contract. Depending on your level of conditioning in those muscles, you may not feel much; however, the more repetitions you do, the more you will begin to feel.
Standing Hip Abduction

Standing hip abduction is one of the best glute exercises for building strong glutes (gluteus medius and minimus). Standing hip abduction is a hip-muscle-working exercise that you can do with resistance tubing. Standing hip abduction specifically targets the hip abductor muscles, which are located on the outside of the hips. This exercise promotes hip muscle strength and stability when walking or running.
Remember to maintain proper posture while performing the exercise. This indicates that you are not leaning too far forward, backward, or to either side. Remember to keep your abdominal muscles tight and your movements smooth and controlled. If necessary, hold on to a stationary object for balance. Place your foot closer to the looped end of the tubing to make the exercise more difficult. This increases resistance even more.
See Also: The 10 Best Hamstring Workouts
Single-Leg Bridge

The single-leg glute bridge is essentially a great way to target a variety of muscle groups throughout your body, including the glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, and lower back muscles. As previously stated, they are especially beneficial for runners and jumpers, weight lifters, and anyone who sits for extended periods during the day.
The single-leg glute bridge exercise has numerous advantages. The single-leg glute bridge targets all of the glute muscles, but lifting one leg adds work to your hamstrings, making it a bit more intense. It’s also an excellent way to improve hip mobility, reduce knee pain, and strengthen your lower back, all while improving posture, making it ideal for any desk-bound worker.
Single-leg glute bridges are one of the best exercises for building strong glutes, improving hip mobility and lower-back strength, stabilizing the spine, and strengthening the core.
Side Lying Abduction With Internal Rotation

One of the best exercises for working and building strong glutes is side-lying hip abduction. It also works the gluteus medius and the tensor fasciae latae (outer thigh). These muscles raise and turn the leg laterally away from the body.
Hip abductor strength helps with standing stability, especially when standing on one leg. Researchers discovered that performing hip abductor exercises for three weeks helped runners reduce knee pain.
The hip abductors, a frequently overlooked group of muscles, play an important role in everyday activities. This includes getting out of bed, stepping into a car, and sliding out of a restaurant booth.
Furthermore, when these muscles are not used for an extended period of time, they can become weak. This forces the body to recruit additional muscles in order to perform an activity. These muscle imbalances can cause pain and lead to poor posture over time.
See Also: 35 Best Glute Exercises of All Time