For the past few years, fermented food has risen in popularity due to increasing interest in stomach health. Kombucha is a fermented tea that has become just around the 1990’s and became a favored drink by consumers looking for an alternative from high-calorie drinks in the market. They make this sweetened tea from ‘symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeasts’ or scoby. The bacteria and yeasts convert the sugar into chemical substances ethanol and acetic acid. When you drink this, it has a distinctive sour taste distinct in kombucha.

Rich in Probiotics

They were originally thought to have come from Japan or China. They ferment the tea for about a week or more using black or green with sugar and specific strains of bacteria and yeast. Throughout the process, the bacteria and yeast form a mushroom-like cloud on the surface (or a scoby). The scoby is a living colony of bacteria and yeast used to ferment a new Kombucha.
During the fermentation, vinegar and other acidic components produce some traces of gases and alcohol that gives it its carbonated characteristic. Probiotics proliferate during this stage, essential bacteria that keep your gut healthy.

Better Digestion

Organic acids, probiotics, and enzymes found in Kombucha helps aid in the digestion and prevent upset stomachs. It is probiotics that keep the flow of digestion and prevent stomach problems such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and diarrhea.
By drinking Kombucha, you’re helping your gut maintain the good bacteria and keep out the bad. It usually lessens in the stomach during stress, use of antibiotics, and alcohol intake. You can replenish it by consuming Kombucha on a regular basis.


While a healthy diet and regular exercise are recommended, it wouldn’t hurt to supplement these with Kombucha. During times of stress, your immune system may suffer. Stress makes your body susceptible to cancer, diabetes, and ulcers.
Probiotics stimulate living organisms in your gut hence improving immune response against sickness and disease. This strengthens your body’s natural immunity against harmful germs. Furthermore, Kombucha also contains DSL and vitamin C that counter inflammation and cell damage.

It Carries the Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea has antioxidant properties. It has bioactive compounds, like polyphenols, that makes this a supplement to fight against aging and cancer. Studies have shown that drinking green tea regularly decreases blood sugar levels, increase calorie burn, and lowers cholesterol in the body. With Green tea Kombucha, it carries the same benefits plus probiotics.

Natural Antibacterial Component

Acetic acid, a component produced during the Kombucha fermentation process, is the same component you will find in vinegar. This component also eradicates harmful bacteria. The tea processed in Kombucha already has antibacterial properties that fight infection and Candida yeast. It also has a similar component to that of antimicrobials used for chicken.

Prevent Heart Disease

Heart disease is a leading cause of death on a global scale.
A study done on rats have shown that those that consumed Kombucha has greatly lowered LDL, also known as the ‘bad cholesterol’, within a 30-day time period. By regularly drinking Kombucha, you can lower up to 31% your risk for heart disease.

Diabetes Control

About 300 million individuals have Type 2 Diabetes worldwide. A study done in rats with Type 2 Diabetes showed that those consuming Kombucha reduced carb digestion hence decreased sugar levels. It also showed signs of healthier liver and kidneys throughout the test.

It contains Vitamins and Minerals

Kombucha has shown to contain some vitamins and minerals. All these are produced when sugar is broken down by the yeast. The aftermath yields vitamins C, B1, B6, and B12.

Natural Anti-arthritic

Kombucha also carries a substance called a glucosamine, a component that helps fight off arthritis. This may come from natural supplements as an arthritis treatment.
Glucosamines enhances production of hyaluronic acid, which protects your cartilages and prevents pain that comes with arthritis.

Natural Energy Drink

Energy drinks usually come with high caffeine and calorie components. For Kombucha, you get it all natural with the same ‘kick’. Kombucha, with small amounts of caffeine, contain vitamin B and iron that can help boost energy. Iron increases red blood cells in the boy to facilitate better oxygen flow in the body.

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