Looks aren’t everything. Before you start overthinking your photos, maybe it’s time to put thought into your online dating profile. Oh, yes, women read them, and they tend to scout for online dating red flags early on.

Make sure you don’t put too much or too little. You need to think of the perfect balance between “I like what I see,” and “I’d like to know more.” Luckily, activeman.com is here to help you construct the perfect bio for any app perfect for you.

Online Dating 101: Guide To An Amazing Bio
Happy man on an online dating app

What To Put On An Online Dating Bio

One Physical Asset

Women love a man who’s confident. Pick one physical aspect that you like about yourself and place it on your bio. Whether it’s your height, your muscles, or your big brown eyes, add it at the beginning.

One is enough. It helps them focus on that aspect in every picture, and before they realize it, they’re checking all your photos out. Try to avoid naming more than one as you may sound shallow and overcompensating for something.

One or Two Hobbies

Before you list down everything you enjoy doing, make sure it’s something you both could do or talk about. It adds more possibility to forming a bond together. Naming two likable hobbies makes you seem more interesting.

Unless a hobby is very important to you in the sense that you’d like your partner to appreciate it as well, don’t put anything that might be off-putting. If you like watching adult movies too much, it’s best to keep it to yourself.

A Funny Thing About Yourself

You may find this hard to believe, but women really do love funny guys. You don’t have to tell a joke in order to show that you’re funny. A simple fun fact about yourself is enough to keep a woman intrigued.

As mentioned before, women love men who are confident, and a man truly shows confidence when he can laugh about himself. It goes a long way when men look like they don’t take themselves too seriously.

An Open-Ender

The secret to a good online dating bio is to keep things short. After following all the things listed above, write something that would make them want more. A simple, “Let’s see where this thing goes?” or “Do you like coffee too?” could go a long way.

Aside from finishing off the bio, it saves time for the woman to think of what to say. It also increases the likelihood that they will message first even without the Bumble prompt.

Now that you’re all caught up in what to add to your bio, there are certain things to hide in order not to seem like a red flag.

Online Dating 101: Guide To An Amazing Bio
Frustrated man on an online dating app

What To NOT Put On An Online Dating Bio

“Don’t match if…”

Look, we all have our own standards, but if you’re going to put a list describing women you don’t like, people are going to take offense. After all, that’s what swiping left is for. If you don’t find a woman attractive, you don’t have to let anyone know. It brings a negative vibe to dating apps.

Even attractive women find it off-putting when men pinpoint other women’s flaws. Do not risk sounding rude. Keep that phrase away.

Anything Lewd And Vulgar

Props for being honest, but that’s not the way to go. Imagine meeting someone for the first time and that’s what you tell them. They didn’t sign up to read that. Keep it to yourself, and ask the woman first before stating such language.

If most women would unmatch after exchanging messages like that, they wouldn’t bother swiping in the first place if they read it on your bio.

A Sexist Statement

Regardless of finding it funny or finding it true, you don’t have to put it on your bio. Women won’t think twice before swiping left or ignoring your message. No justification will convince them to match with you.

After all, you can only explain what’s in your bio if they match you.

To help guide you through the pitfalls and cloud nine of the dating world, make sure to follow activeman.com as we talk more about dating and more.