When you’re rolling around town in your “work wheels” instead of your “conversation starter,” you’re probably in a ready-for-anything mindset. So why not make sure that you double down on your readiness by thinking about what everyday items you keep in your car?
Your car is just as much an extension of yourself when you’re away from home – a place you can keep essential objects safe and accessible much like your pockets. Aside from the standard tool box, early warning devices, umbrellas, and car jacks that you need in your vehicle while on the road, there are a few everyday items that you should seriously consider having within reach inside your car.
Below are some mundane everyday items that not everyone considers to keep in their car. Remember to put all these essential everyday items in a safe but accessible spot – like your glove compartment or trunk – while you’re on the road to minimize the danger they can pose during vehicular accidents.

Wet wipes and tissues
Wet wipes and rolls of tissues seem like extra weight for men to carry around everyday especially for those who prefer not to carry an everyday bag. This makes them the perfect everyday item to have in your vehicle in case you find yourself stuck with an imminent biological emergency.
Aside from wiping bodily fluids, wet wipes and tissues are also great for scribbling notes, in case you need to leave one somewhere or on your vehicle. Make sure that your wet wipes aren’t left in an area that gets exposed directly to the sun, which could dry them out.
Pen or marker
Writing things down may not seem like a common occurrence in cars, but it happens more often than you think. Signing for credit card transactions, writing down quick directions, and navigating using a map, happen quite often enough that having a pen or two in your car is an everyday item lifesaver.
Aside from being within reach for the situations mentioned above, you’ll never know when you might have the need to write on pallets and boxes of objects you’re transporting, which makes access to a permanent marker quite handy. While you’re at it, keep a notebook handy in your glove compartment so you can monitor your car’s mileage and fuel consumption.
Brightly colored blanket
A brightly colored blanket can be used to keep yourself or your passengers warm in cold weather. While it may not seem likely that you’ll be spending time in the cold, you can thank yourself for keeping this everyday item in your car when your heater gives out on you on a long and cold drive.
The blanket can also be used for leisure activities like picnics or trips to the beach. In addition, it also has uses in emergencies as well, acting as a flag to attract the attention of other motorists if you encounter a vehicular accident.
You never know when the unexpected car start-up emergency will happen. Your engine can give up on you in the middle of the night just as you’re about to head home, so to make things easier, always have a hand lamp or a flashlight handy in your car.
While cellphones usually include a bright enough light to use as a flashlight, you would probably want to reserve your battery in times of emergency. Bigger flashlights like Mag-lites can also act as clubs if you find yourself in a situation which requires a blunt object for hitting things.
Eco bag, tote bag or canvas bag
A canvas bag or two are extremely useful – and eco-friendly – everyday items when you find yourself running an unexpected errand. Canvas bags are great for groceries, market runs, or even just the occasional mall purchase.
Canvas bags aren’t limited to the occasional surprise market visit and come in handy for other situations. They can easily be used to carry heavy objects or food that relatives foist on you after a celebration and can also double as mats that you can sit on the grass with when you find yourself at the park.

Plastic crate
A plastic crate may seem like an overkill option to have in your car everyday, but its utility far outweighs its silliness – much like a comfortable belt bag. You’ll always have a container that can carry objects that can’t easily be handled by a canvas bag and helps you separate objects that shouldn’t be touching each other like soap and fresh meats during a grocery run.
If you’re expecting more passengers than you usually have, the plastic crate becomes indispensable as well. You can gather loose objects such as books from your backseat into the crate and safely put them in your trunk without having to worry about them getting thrown all over the place.