Being able to increase grip strength is going to help you lift heavier, do more reps, and build way more muscles. Whether you’re lifting a barbell, dumbbell, or hanging on a bar, you don’t want your forearms and wrist to fatigue before your other primary muscles, as this will greatly hinder your ability to build strength and muscle in other areas.
And in the same sense, having a strong grip allows you to last longer during many exercises like deadlifts or the pull-up, directly resulting in more muscle growth and strength in all other areas of the body and developing you further as an athlete.
That’s why there’s a direct correlation between your overall strength and forearm strength. The only way to do high repetitions of pull-ups, lift heavy in a deadlift, or even do a single-arm pull-up is to have a tremendous amount of grip strength.
Stop Using Straps

This is the easiest and simplest way to increase grip strength is by avoiding using straps too much. All pulling exercises will require more of your grip as soon as the straps are removed. The best way to break your dependence on straps is to stop using them during all warm-up sets and then gradually wean yourself off of them during work sets.
It will take some time for your grip to catch up with your pulling muscles, but eventually, you should get to the point where their use is restricted.
Straps do serve a purpose, but they shouldn’t be misused like any other tool. It’s best to reserve them for just your very heavy deadlift or rowing sets.
See Also: How to Increase Grip Strength
Mix Up Your Handles

Simple changes to your weightlifting equipment can add an extra grip challenge. Try using a kettlebell instead of a dumbbell if you normally do rows with a dumbbell. Alternatively, swap a 45-lb. barbell for one with a thinner or thicker diameter. barbell for a 35-pound weight. one, or incorporating reps with an axle (“fat”) bar.
Tie a dishcloth or gym towel around the handle of your dumbbell or kettlebell for a different challenge, or use a towel in place of a standard cable-machine attachment. This will help you to increase grip strength during rows, carries, biceps curls, pull-ups, swings, and deadlifts.
Farmer’s Carry

One of the best exercises to increase grip strength is the farmer’s carry. Pick up something heavy in one or both hands, such as a kettlebell, a heavy bucket or can of paint, a sandbag, a weight plate, or a packed suitcase or duffel bag. Hold the weight by your sides, being careful not to lean to either side, hunch forward, or lean back. Start walking while standing tall with your shoulders away from your ears. Set the weight down gently once you feel your grip loosen or your form deteriorate .
Dead Hangs

If you have access to a pull-up bar or monkey bars at a playground, try dead hangs or pull-up holds to increase grip strength. To perform a dead hang, jump or step up to grab both hands on the bar; hang straight-armed for as long as possible, taking care to retract your scapulas to draw your shoulders down and back away from your ears. Make the hang more difficult by performing a pull-up and remaining in the top position.
See Also: What Your Grip Strength Means for Your Overall Health
Fingertip Push-ups

Another great bodyweight exercise to increase grip strength is fingertip push-ups. If you can already do push-ups with good form, doing them on your fingertips instead of your palms can help strengthen the tendons and muscles that support your lower arm. If this is too difficult, you can do them from your knees instead of your toes, or lower yourself on your fingertips and push back up with your palms.
Flip Your Kettlebells

The bottoms-up kettlebell press also works well to increase grip strength and mobilize shoulder muscles. Begin by holding a light kettlebell upside down in one hand at shoulder height. The kettlebell will sway and fall back into a traditional rack position when held upside down; keeping it bottom-side up will require you to engage your hand, shoulder, and core. Once the kettlebell is balanced at shoulder height, press it overhead in a straight line, keeping your hips and shoulders level. Repeat the move in the opposite direction.
See Also: Get Stronger Forearm Muscles by Doing Some Effective Workout
Battle Ropes

Gripping the thick battle rope will help to increase grip strength because the width and weight of the rope force your forearms and hands to work harder to hold onto the rope. A strong grip is required not only for lifting weights but also for everyday activities such as opening jars and carrying heavy packages. Strengthening the muscles in your hands and forearms using battle ropes can help you improve your grip strength.