Traveling is something that most individuals do at least 5 times per year and many folks even more frequently than that! Whether it be for work, vacation, to visit family, or to attend an event – traveling forces you out of your routine.

You’re suddenly sleeping, eating, driving, shopping, and hopefully still exercising, all in a different place than you’re used to.

Traveling can easily cause you to get off track and derail your gains, but it doesn’t have to do so. It’s often to blame for not working out, overeating, undereating, not resting enough, and not sufficiently hydrating.

If you travel regularly, it’s also often an excuse for not being ready or able to commit to an exercise program, diet, or lifestyle change.

To succeed, you have to be willing to adapt and prepare. Whether you’re away for a few days, weeks, or months, here are six fit tips to help you stay on track while traveling.

1. Stay as consistent as possible with your workouts

Don’t forget to pack your workout attire and sneakers! Schedule and plan your workouts just as you usually would ensure you have time for them. If you’re staying in a hotel, it may or may not have a gym, and if it does, it may only have cardio equipment.

Research this before your arrival. If you’re staying with family, or in an Airbnb or something of that nature, look for a fitness center nearby. Pro-tip: sign up for a guest pass online if possible to save on expenses.

If you know leading up to your travel that you will have little to no time for exercise, plan for rest/recovery days accordingly.

2. Be prepared if you don’t have access to a gym

In the instance that you won’t have access to a fitness center, pack a resistance band, yoga mat, and a jump rope, all of which pack easily. Additionally, be prepared with bodyweight workouts and a plan for how to still get in some cardiovascular activity, such as going for a run outdoors.

3. Walk as much as you can

Walking will help you to maintain some physical activity. Find sights to explore. If you flew and are without your vehicle, save money that you would typically use a taxi or an Uber by walking (if possible).

4. Know what you’re going to order

Whether it be convenience, exploration, or both, most of us tend to dine out more than preparing our meals when traveling. Research restaurants and review menus before you get there.

Have a couple of healthier options already picked out to ensure that you will be able to select healthy, affordable foods upon arrival and that there are healthier options that you would eat. If you do have the choice of preparing your meals, do it!

5. Stay hydrated

Water is essential to both survival and feeling well! Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go and regularly drink throughout the day. If you are flying, be sure to hydrate well pre- and post-flight especially.

6. Be realistic

If you know that you won’t be able to perform your workouts to their usual standard and intensity, or can’t squeeze in a workout at all during your travels, focus on your nutrition and recovery.

If you’re on vacation, don’t be afraid to splurge a little, but be sure to have a plan to get back on track post-travels!

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