Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) is a medical disorder that involves people experiencing fatigue that hinders them from doing daily activities. There are instances wherein people with Chronic fatigue syndrome stay in bed for most of the day. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 836,000 to 2.5 million Americans suffer from CFS.

It can be difficult for people with CFS to cope with the condition but not impossible. CHS for many doctors, researchers, and experts is a complex illness. There is still no cure for CFS but its symptoms are manageable. That is one way of coping with CFS and there are other ways.

Regular visits to the doctor

If experiencing symptoms associated with CFS, it is best to visit a doctor to confirm if it is indeed CFS. Many illnesses share the same symptoms and it is important to be thorough so you’ll be able to decide on the best treatment or approach. If it is CFS, it would be beneficial for an individual to visit his or her doctor regularly for check-ups. This is a way to make sure that you are progressing well with your treatment and for prevention as well.

Diet and sleep

chronic fatigue syndrome
Photo by Vladislav Muslakov on Unsplash

According to studies, people with CFS can struggle with a lack of sleep and can be deficient in essential vitamins and minerals in the body. That is why a healthy diet and a healthy sleep cycle are two ways to battle the symptoms of CFS. By embracing these, an individual doesn’t only manage his or her CFS but also improves his or her overall lifestyle and mental health. There can be instances wherein people with CFS struggle with mental health issues.


chronic fatigue syndrome
Photo by Dane Wetton on Unsplash

In other words, putting your mind at ease. This is difficult for most people because of their environment and the factors present in their lives. However, being able to relax and refocus the mind is a strength all of us should be capable of doing. Relaxing can be achieved in different ways. Other rely on their mental resilience and some rely on meditation or yoga. Relaxation is not just about giving your mind and body time to rest. It is about allowing yourself to refocus and energize to take on what is coming ahead. This is the power of mindfulness.

Memory improvement

There are people with CFS who struggle with memory loss. So, experts recommend using a journal or a diary as means for memory and reminders. According to experts, it is important for people with CFS to keep their mind engaged.

Bonds and relationships

It would be hard for many people to understand what people with CFS go through. However, that is not a reason for people to reach out to others for help. Building bonds and relationships, especially with family and friends can be a great way of coping with CFS. Knowing that there are people there ready to lend a helping hand is valuable. Don’t be afraid to open yourself up. There will always be

Be confident and believe

Living with chronic fatigue syndrome is difficult. But, don’t believe for a second that your life won’t improve over time. It is important to adopt a positive and brave attitude when dealing with this condition. Believe that things will get better and that you’ll be able to get through it all.  

When dealing with or coping with chronic fatigue syndrome, knowledge is your ally. Learn as much as you can about this medical condition and how to manage it.