Cremaster muscle is a muscle that is found only in male humans, that covers testicles and the spermatic cord. The name cremaster is originated from the word suspender, it’s a greek name. A spermatic cord is a cord that connects the testis and its function is to hang the testicles in the scrotum. Cremaster muscle plays a vital role in promoting healthy sperm and also raising and lowering your testicles. For maintaining the temperature, movement of the testis is done ideally by the cremaster muscle. When a man comes in contact with a cool environment, the cremaster muscles make testis go against the body.
The Cremaster muscle is also the extensor muscle of the internal oblique, which is a muscle present in the abdominal wall.
Cremaster muscle plays a significant role during flight or fight scenarios. To protect your testis it pulls the muscles closer to your body. Whenever your inner thigh gets stroked a reflex happens called a cremasteric reflex. This is quite common amongst boys than men. Also, the reflex happens when a hand is moved between thighs and knees and also during deep breathing. Discover more about cremaster muscle and check this article to know more information.
Anatomy of Cremaster Muscle

This muscle is also known as striated muscle. According to some research, there are a certain number of smooth muscle fibers, that get dispersed too. The Cremaster muscle has two major parts: The medial and the lateral. The lateral part of this muscle is originated from the transverse abdominal muscle and inguinal ligament. The medial part which is occasionally absent derives from the pubic crest and pubic tubercle.
The medial ones combine with lateral ones and slightly passes covering the spermatic cord. When it reaches the scrotum, cremaster muscles create a network of fascicles that will further reach tunica vaginalis. The fibers in the cremaster muscle join with the surrounding tissues to compromise a covering for the spermatic cord.
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Cremaster Muscle Function

The major function of this muscle is to either lift or lower the testis. Because raising and lowering is crucial to maintaining healthy reproductive organs. To ensure that the sperm in is good health, the testis should be at an accurate temperature and this work is primarily done by cremaster muscle. When it comes to cremasteric reflex it triggers the ilioinguinal nerve, which furthermore activates the genitofemoral nerve. Cremasteric artery supplies blood supply to cremaster muscle. This muscle is fully developed only in males and rats. This muscle also plays a key role in preventing injury on testicles during sexual intercourse.
Clinical Significance
Sometimes men are prone to injuries on their crotch and cremaster muscle can get injured. Men may experience spasms and cramps on this muscle that can be debilitating and chronic. Treatment for such conditions is either injection or surgery. It will depend upon the severity of the condition. Moreover, there could also be a limitation in the activity. Also botulinum-a toxin, a common injection is used to treat the spasm and relax the muscle. Surgery has been proved as a successful treatment to get treated without any side effects.
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Some Issues

According to NCBI, there are certain issues regarding this muscle. When an absence of this muscle is detected in some males, it will impact the reflex during the diagnosis of testicular motion. The performance of the cremasteric reflex is never constant it is variable. The concept of positive cremasteric is not clear and not defined. Another major issue is that contraction of this muscle leads to excessive twisting of the testis. Furthermore, leads to the death of the testicle. At the puberty age, the testis becomes heavier simultaneously there rise to testicular torsion. This occurs more during winters than in the summer due to cold temperatures.
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