What is something that every member of your family has, but is very different depending on their age?
If you answered “skin,” you’re correct. The soft and clear skin on your second grader is quite different from your teen’s breakout-prone skin, which looks nothing like the skin around your eyes, which is starting to wrinkle just a bit.
To help care for everyone’s unique skin, it is important to not adopt a “one size fits all” approach. Since skin changes over time, how we take care of it will also fluctuate over the years.
As for tips on proper skincare for your younger kiddo, your teens, and yourself, consider the following words of advice:
Young Kids: Protection from the Sun Plus Gentle Soaps
A child’s daily skincare regimen really needs to focus on two main things: a bath with a gentle cleanser and sunscreen. If your kiddo is prone to dry skin, a moisturizer made for children is also not a bad idea. While many bubble baths that are marketed to kids come in cool bottles shaped like characters from TV shows, these can often be harsh on tender young skin; either use a very small amount in the tub or go with a liquid soap for sensitive skin.
Since so many fun childhood activities take place outside, it is important for parents to protect their kids’ skin from the sun. Even on cloudy days, apply or help your kiddo apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to all exposed parts of his or her body. Since it can take up to 30 minutes for it to start working, apply the sunscreen prior to heading to the park or ball field. If you use sunscreen too and make it part of your regular routine, it will soon seem as natural to your kids as brushing their teeth, and they will be set up with a great habit for life.
Teens: Clean, Moisturize, Treat and Protect
As your kiddos get older, common issues like breakouts and acne can start to occur. Healthy skin at this age involves four main steps: cleaning, moisturizing, treating and protecting. For instance, it is important for your teens to wash their skin every single day to remove dirt, oil and dead skin flakes—as well as makeup and/or sweat from working out. If they are starting to breakout, choose an acne face wash for them to use in the shower.
Sons and daughters alike will also benefit from a moisturizer that is appropriate for their skin type; for instance, an oil-free brand for skin that may be prone to breakouts. Teens also need sunscreen. The more your teens protect their skin now, the less they will have to contend with sun damage and/or skin cancers as they grow older.
Adults: Acne is Not Just for Teens

As you get older, you might think that breakouts will be a thing of the past. But as you may have noticed in the mirror, adult acne is quite common. This means you should follow in your teens’ footsteps and adopt a daily skincare routine for acne elimination. Acne and breakouts in adults are often caused by genetics, stress, and hormones, so it is important to find adult acne products that are designed to target and prevent blemishes.
Like your children, you should also use a gentle soap to clean your skin every day. If wrinkles and fine lines are a concern, use a moisturizer and anti-aging eye cream. And don’t forget the sunscreen!
No Matter Your Age, You Can Have Healthy Skin
While skin definitely changes over time, everyone in your family deserves to have beautiful and healthy-looking skin. By knowing how to properly care for the skin on children, teens, and yourself, you will all look and feel your best with skin that is less prone to breakouts and sun damage.
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