Have you heard of superfoods? How about super-spices? Immune-boosting spices can add flavor to your favorite meals and supply your body with much-needed nutrients. Remember that every time you season your food, no need to just stick to salt and pepper.
Here are 6 immune-boosting spices you need in your kitchen

Turmeric has been associated with a number of healing methods for many years and even weight loss. The key compound of turmeric is a polyphenol called Curcumin that has anti-inflammatory properties that supply the body with antioxidants. This spice is also rich in phytonutrients that have the potential to neutralize free radicals that damages cells. So, the next time you to the mall and someone offers you a free sample of turmeric juice, go for it. According to a report by John Hopkins Medicine, turmeric can also help with degenerative eye conditions, arthritis, hyperlipidemia, anxiety, and kidney health.
Good for humans, bad for vampires. Garlic is one of the healthiest ingredients and despite its smell, should be embraced by billions. Garlic is packed all sorts of nutrients including calcium, iron, potassium, sulfuric compounds, zinc, and fiber. To get all this health goodness, there is a catch, garlic must be consumed raw. Any form of cooking will destroy its nutrients. The good news, there are so many great dishes out there that could use raw garlic. Just make sure to brush afterward.

Other than its slight-minty smell and aromatic flavor, rosemary is good for your digestive and immune systems. Just like the first two spices, rosemary is rich in immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory compounds. It also helps improve brain function as well as blood flow throughout the body. Rosemary goes great with chicken and potato dishes.
Oregano is a versatile spice or ingredient that goes well with hundreds of dishes. Adding oregano to your food provides your body an impressive amount of vitamins and antioxidants. It is also high in fiber and omega-3. It is best to consume oregano fresh. One way of doing this is pouring a little bit on your pasta dishes. Also, keep in mind that there are different varieties of oregano that vary in taste. So make sure to pick one that would really elevate your dish.
When talking about immune-boosting, healthy spices, cardamom at times is slept on. This super spice can provide the body with healthy compounds to fight off cancer, treat infections, and ease digestive problems. According to a study, cardamom powder supplementation can prevent obesity and help with glucose intolerance.
Many people consume echinacea to fight off or prevent the common cold. It strengthens the immune system by supporting treatment for bronchitis, influenzas, ear infections, yeast infections, and upper respiratory infections.
So, do you have any or all of these spices in your kitchen? These spices would go really great with high-protein recipes and dishes. These spices are sure to help you get healthier without sacrificing taste and quality of food.
What are you waiting for? Go to the nearest farmer’s market or grocery and get your spice on.