Don’t let a minor muscle strain delay your progress. KT Tape offers a quick solution to strained and overworked muscle pains.
What is KT Tape?
As any athlete should know, dull, constant pain is something you push through. Even though this mindset shapes a hardworking and driven individual, you may be putting yourself at greater risk than you realize. Twinges of pain throughout your body are telling you to stop and rest so it can heal itself. This doesn’t mean you have to sit around doing nothing. Many alternative therapy solutions can assist your body in this healing process.
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Cupping, acupuncture, cryotherapy, deep tissue massages, air pressure therapy, and many more. The list of expensive and frightening treatments is endless while proving the length to which athletes and avid gym-goers will take. If you feel as though you were described above, then add KT Tape to your list of treatments. Luckily for you, this one is cheap and easy.
KT Tape was designed in the 1970’s and later popularized by Olympic athletes who sported KT Tape while competing at the highest level. Newer technologies boast of a unilateral elastic fabric composed of 100% cotton sheathes that deliver even more strength and flexibility. When applied correctly, the sports tape can help alleviate pain and tension all while supporting muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

Muscular Injuries
A muscular strain is an injury to a muscle group or tendon (the bone to muscle connection). Minor injuries often only include an overstretched muscle or tendon. More severe injuries will progress into the partial tear of the muscle or tendon.
Muscular injuries commonly result from fatigue, overuse or isolated high impact in major muscle groups such as hamstrings, quads, and lower back. Your body responds by rushing lymphatic fluids to the site of strain. A build-up of lymphatic fluids induces swelling and inflammation, provoking discomfort as more pressure is applied to the site of injury. Read further for more information on how to treat sore and strained muscles.

How to tell the seriousness of your injury
Injuries from overuse can be expected when first getting back into the gym. Knowing common workout injuries and prevention might save you weeks of time and pain.
Minor muscular strains can usually be treated and completely healed at home. Some signs and symptoms of a minor strain, as stated by the Mayo Clinic, are pain and tenderness, swelling, redness, limited motion, and periodic muscle spasms. At home, treatment consists of ice, compression, and elevation. The application of KT Tape supplies constant compression and relaxation, allowing you to roam more freely and remain active during recovery.
If symptoms worsen it is likely you are suffering from a more severe injury. Some signs to be cautious of are intolerable pain or a pins and needles sensation arises at the site of injury. In these cases, consulting a medical professional is recommended.
KT Tape’s Role In Recovery
KT Tape is most effective when utilized for the duration of your injury. Proper application of this magical elastic sports tape adds compression to the site of injury while supporting any overstretched muscles and tendons.
The science behind KT Tape lifts the skin, releasing deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. This allows for the movement of the lymphatic fluids, preventing build-up and removing waste components like cellular debris and bacteria. In addition to clearing out the site of injury, lymphatic fluids also transport white blood cells throughout the body. With improved circulation, more white blood cells will flow through the site of injury, speeding up the recovery process.
Investigations on the effectiveness of KT Tape show significant support in short term pain relief and relief while active. According to a study published in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, the use of KT tape demonstrated superior control and improvement of lower limb strength in individuals who suffer from muscular fatigue. In contrast, results from comparative studies on the effectiveness of KT Tape in the Sports Medicine Journal show no significant changes in blood flow. Whether you believe the magic or not, it is fair to say that KT Tape provides temporary relief and increased motor function to restricted areas when worn.
How to Apply KT Tape

The official site for KT Tape provides comprehensive and in depth videos on how to properly apply the sports tape for the most effective results. Depending on where the injury is, technique and placement is of the utmost importance.
Some tips for applying KT Tape no matter the location:
- Start at the lower point on the injured muscle or tendon. By doing so, when you pull the tape and connect to the upper point, you relieve pressure by pulling upwards.
- Make sure to pull the tape tight. The more extended the tape is, the more support it will provide.
- Prep your skin before applying tape. By cleaning the area with soap and water or rubbing alcohol, you will provide a more cohesive surface and the tap will stick longer.
If you are currently nursing a musculoskeletal injury, KT Tape might be just the thing you are looking for. Always listen to signs your body tells you and give it the TLC you deserve.
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