Hair loss is one of the most common issues that men face when growing older. While others are blessed that they can enjoy their crowning glory for a long time, many are not so fortunate, having to face receding hairlines and thinning hair as the years go by.
While it is said to be a genetic issue, there are still a few things that you can do to help yourself from going completely bald. Here’s everything that you need to know about hair loss and a few things that you can do about it.

Why are you losing your hair?
Just like height, baldness is one of the few things that we have which are mostly genetic. According to research, male pattern baldness is a trait that is ingrained in one’s genetic makeup, and there is little that you can do about it.
Technically, what happens is your hair follicles are receding and they transform into smaller ones, which makes you lose the thickness of your hair. As time goes by, they become smaller and smaller until your follicles can no longer grow, which can then result in bald spots.
Outside of genetics, hair loss is caused by illness, stress, surgical procedures, scalp infections and changes in hormone levels. However, in most cases, these are not permanent and chances are your hail grow back.
How do you know if baldness is happening to you?
Hair loss is an ongoing process and it will eventually manifest itself over time. Male hair loss can start in your mid-20s, but it takes around 20 years on average for you to go completely bald. However, depending on your genetic makeup, this process may take faster and you can lose your hair in less than 10 years. It is impossible to pinpoint as this is usually different from one person to another.

What can you do if you are losing your hair?
Male pattern baldness, unfortunately, is a genetic condition and a natural process, but there are things that you can do to “treat” it. You can always accept your new look, but if you really want to do something about it, here are a few options that you can look at.
Minoxidil basically helps you regain the strength of your hair and helps with hair growth. It can be purchased over the counter and must be applied to your scalp twice daily. However, this is not a long-term solution and some people may find that the results stop as soon as they are no longer using the product.
Finasteride is taken through prescription to block the effects of the male hormones, halt further hair loss, and promote regrowth of hair. Just like minoxidil, the benefits stop once you no longer take the medication.
Cosmetic surgery
If all else fails, you can always do cosmetic surgery to bring back your lost hair and fix bald spots. There’s a multitude of options, but some of the most common procedures are transplants, scalp reduction, and flap surgery. Just take note that these procedures are not inexpensive, although these are all considered long-term solutions.