Heart disease is a major global health issue that affects millions of people each year and is the leading cause of death worldwide. One person dies every 34 seconds from cardiovascular disease in the United Stated alone. 

To lower your risk of heart disease, we compiled 7 hearth-healthy tips in this article

Give up smoking

Smoking thickens blood, causes clots, and increases plaque formation in blood vessels, all of which increase the risk of heart disease significantly. Matter of fact, studies show that smoking contributes to cardiovascular disease, with at least one in every five men and one in every ten women who smoke dying from a heart attack or stroke. Quitting smoking is the most effective way to protect your heart health

a man smoking
Photo by: Healthline

Have heart-healthy diet

A heart-healthy diet is an important step toward lowering your risk of heart disease. To begin, incorporate foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and tuna, which can help lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation. Oats, berries, dark chocolate, potatoes, legumes, tomatoes, and nuts are also heart-healthy foods. Aim to consume a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins while reducing your intake of saturated & trans fats, sodium, and added sugars.

Limit alcohol consumption 

Moderation in alcohol consumption is critical for heart health. Excessive drinking raises the risk of heart-related illnesses such as hypertension, heart failure, and stroke, and it can also lead to cardiomyopathy. Short-term alcohol side effects include increased heart rate and high blood pressure, which can result in lasting problems if not addressed. Individuals can reduce their risk of developing serious cardiovascular conditions by limiting their alcohol consumption.

Maintain regular physical activity

Primarily, physical activities are critical in preventing the development of high blood pressure. But it also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by lowering blood cholesterol levels. Physical activity that burns calories and gets you moving for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week, according to the American Heart Association, can improve your heart health. Consistent moderate- to high-intensity exercise strengthens the heart muscle, improving its ability to pump blood to the lungs and the rest of the body.

Get good quality sleep 

When you sleep, your blood pressure naturally drops; however, if you have difficulty sleeping, your blood pressure may remain elevated for an extended period of time, increasing your risk of heart disease and stroke. In addition, a lack of sleep can cause inflammation, which is linked to heart disease. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule, creating a comfortable sleep environment by adjusting the temperature, lighting, and noise levels, and avoiding electronic devices, caffeine, and alcohol before bedtime are all important steps toward better sleep.

Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease: 7 Heart-Healthy Tips Shared By Experts
Photo by: Avoca Beach Dental

Manage stress

Stress can be harmful to one’s heart health. It can raise blood pressure and increase the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Hence, stress management should be on the list of your priorities. Taking breaks from news, taking care of your body, making time to unwind, talking to others, connecting with community or faith-based organizations, and avoiding drugs and alcohol are all healthy ways to cope with stress.

Get regular health screenings

Regular health screenings, such as blood pressure, cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes testing, can aid in the early detection and management of potential heart health problems. Early detection and intervention can lower the risk of developing serious heart conditions significantly. It’s critical to discuss your screening schedule with your doctor to ensure you’re receiving proper tests at recommended intervals.