Music therapy, as the name suggests is a type of therapy or treatment that uses music to improve or enrich an individual’s overall health including physical and mental. Music therapy is done through listening to music, playing instruments, singing, and writing or composing music. The activity serves as an instrument for an individual to achieve a particular goal that is mostly about improving something health-wise.

Now, let’s explore the many benefits of music therapy.

Improves memory

Listening to music that engages the mind either with the melody or the lyrics can reactivate areas throughout the brain linked to memory. In short, listening to music actually improves people’s memory and allows them to remember things more easily. According to a report by the Harvard Health Publishing, music therapy doesn’t only help people remember things but it also expands the mind to store more memory. The report also said music improved someone’s mood. That is probably why people say “music is life.”

Reduces stress

When people say they use music to escape reality, are they referring to the stress they feel when dealing with the world? Some people say that about art, that is why art therapy is also becoming more popular. Well, maybe. But, “to escape reality” isn’t necessarily good because it is not an indication that someone is feeling better. This is important to keep in mind, music therapy is not just listening to music. It is a process of embracing every element of a song or a musical piece. In that process, music helps decrease stress, anxiety, and even fatigue. It does just that by boosting someone’s motivation and excitement. Try to think back, did you ever experience listening to music and suddenly feeling all giddy or happy? That’s right, music has a profound effect on the human mind, it can make you happy and even sad.

Enhances exercise

music therapy
Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash

There are two kinds of people in this world, those who listen to music while they work out and those who don’t. Despite people not wanting to jam to beats while working out, there is no denying the fact that music improves the experience of working out. Music therapy can help an individual synchronize his or her movements whenever working out. Better flow and movement lead to more energy and increased heart rate. So, listening to music while exercising can improve your health. So, don’t be caught up with the famous words of Captain Raymond Holt from the tv series Brooklyn 99 – “music is a crutch,” it’s not.

Strengthens mental resiliency

Mental resilience or psychological resilience is the ability to better cope and navigate feelings despite the presence of different factors like uncertainties. Music therapy reduces stress, therefor it strengthens the mind to be more receptive and capable of dealing with negativity. Another way it aids mental resiliency is by reducing blood pressure which can trigger heart palpitation, which is a clear sign of anxiety.

Helps people better appreciate life

5 Benefits of Music Therapy
Photo by Jackson Simmer on Unsplash

This one is very cliché but very true and timeless. There are things people can’t express until they hear it from a song. It is very true that music with its lyrics can alter an individual’s mood. It can make someone feel happier or the other way around. But, music helps people better appreciate life because there is so much to learn from so many melodies and lyrics. Music allows us to expand our mind and enable us to always see the good things in life, even if there is so much negativity around us.