Oh, what a joy to live by yourself and create a space that you call yours. A bachelor’s pad might be a dream for many, but not all have the opportunity and the capacity to build their own perfect space. Sometimes, it might be because the rental rate is too high and you don’t have enough cash to make your pad look fancy. Perhaps you prefer to use your funds to get the latest sneaker releases instead of buying new sheets. Or maybe you just don’t have the patience to clean up and decorate and would very much rather lie in bed and binge on Netflix. Whatever the case is, we totally understand. Adulting can be hard and sometimes you just don’t want to care too much anymore.

While it’s easier to let your place be a huge mess, there are some easy tweaks that you can do to make sure that it somehow looks presentable. It will not only impress someone you’re bringing home, but it’s also a great way to create a satisfying space for yourself. Trust us, it will be fun in the end.

We’ve created an easy guide on how you can improve your pad. It’s definitely time to make it feel like home and look hella attractive.

Make your bachelor's pad look nicer by investing in basics

Invest in the basics

Sure, you’d love to get that sweet sound system, but it will also cost you so much that you could have easily bought yourself a new couch. When crafting your bachelor’s pad, it’s best to invest in your basic needs like a good sofa, a dining table, and perhaps a comfortable bed. If you currently have hand-me-downs and cannot afford going on a shopping spree, don’t worry, you can always do it one by one. You can also upholster and recycle some of your old furnishings if you have the energy to do so.

Buy towels in dark colors

Do yourself a favor and avoid white towels. Aside from them looking worn out after a few uses, you’ll also save yourself from looking at those nasty little stains as time goes by. Darker colors like blue and grey are great not only because they’re perfect for a bachelor’s pad, but also because they look fresh for longer and they are much better at hiding discolorations.

Buy an area rug

Get a rug. It makes a place look so much nicer and neater. Plus, it will definitely help you keep your feet warm — just don’t forget to clean it up every once in a while.

Make your place look nicer by knowing your lighting and maximizing it

Nail your place’s lighting

Lighting can affect how big or small and how neat or messy your place will look. If you have windows, make sure to utilize them by keeping the space near them open, letting the natural light shine through. Use linen or light-weight material for your living room to make it look airy, especially when working with small spaces. You can also get lighting fixtures like lamps to make it brighter and look more interesting.

Decorate the walls

Instead of just leaving it bare, you can try exploring getting art prints or photographs that will spice up your wall. A huge frame or two will be a good number for your wall decor, depending on the available area; just make sure to give it enough space to breathe so it will not look crowded.