Taking steps to improve one’s overall health is never easy. We are all creatures of habit, so switching up our routines, whether that pertains to what we eat, how much we exercise, or how we think about health, can feel like a lot. As we adjust to changes, they replace unhealthy habits and eventually become second nature. Here are four steps to improve your total health without biting off more than you can chew.

1.  Keep Goals Realistic

Before you demand unreasonable expectations of yourself, veer away from what everyone else seems to be doing. If your Instagram feed is full of speedrunning and green smoothies, slow down and humble yourself. In yoga, the philosophy that defines the practice is “effort without strain.” To apply effort without strain, keep your goals realistic and only make changes that feel practical for YOU, not your followers.

You might begin by eliminating one problematic food from your diet or walking around your neighborhood for 10 minutes every day. If small changes seem unreasonable, then just work on your mindset for a while.

2.  Follow Precise Methods

For additional support, you can establish personal accountability. You might consider adding in a personal trainer who can help you stay on track with your diet and exercise routine as well as manage any muscle pains from working out. The more accountability you create for yourself, the more motivated you will be to follow through on your goals. Calibrate weight management solutions are available to individuals looking for controlled systems to get in shape.

If you like step-by-step approaches to achieving your goals, this is a potential method to consider. You can also track your steps using a WHOOP digital fitness tracker and keep tabs on what you eat regularly with a food diary. A good rule of thumb to remember is that burning 500 calories per day equates to a loss of 1 pound per week while consuming the proper amount of calories.

How to Improve Your Health and Wellness in 4 Steps

3.  Get Your Mind Right

Focus on fine-tuning your intentions so that your goals are defined and organized. By having a clear direction, you will be more inclined to follow through. Being able to visualize results will also help to keep you motivated. Your intention will unlock your level of motivation, and this can either make or break your health outcomes.

Write down what you want to achieve in terms of better health. Look at your statements every day to remind you of your intention. Try to maintain your creativity as you make mental changes as well. If you’re working towards healthier eating, find fun ways to throw in healthy foods for cooking, so you can create meals you’ll look forward to eating.

When seasons change, and you find it difficult to exercise in the cold, create mantras for yourself to keep going. It’s all about being flexible

4.  Stay Completely Balanced

It can be easy to fixate on our goals. After all, we should spend a good chunk of time focused on them. While focus and follow-through are essential for achievement, we also need balance. Be kind to yourself and take breaks as you go. Dedicate time for other things that are separate from your health-related goals.

Prioritize your job, your family, and any other interests you have that bring you fulfillment. Remember that you are more than your achievements. Live your life with the intention to make the most out of everything, not just a few select aspects.

The Bottom Line

Stay practical, methodological, hopeful, and balanced, and you’ll easily be able to improve your health and wellness. Now let’s get moving, in baby steps, of course.

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