Prostate cancer is the second most common form of cancer developed by men in the United States. While there is no vaccine or guarantee you can prevent it, taking steps early in your life can certainly reduce your risk in developing it.

Eat a nutritious diet.
What you eat plays a huge role into your chances of developing cancer. Fruits and vegetables, especially tomatoes, watermelon, and red bell peppers can be extremely beneficial. Marinara sauce has been shown to be exceptionally beneficial in preventing prostate cancer. Adding more fish to your diet can also help in prevention, because fresh fish is loaded with omega-3. Coffee and tea are also good for you, just be careful to avoid a caffeine overdose. Decaffeinated coffee and tea works just as well in preventing cancer.

Stay away from animal based fats like butter and lard, and instead try to get your fats from plant-based sources. Try to eliminate sugary items like candy or soda from your diet completely. Instead of your bowl of fruit loops and whole milk, find a cereal made from flax seed and use soy milk instead. Avoid binge drinking and try to limit your alcoholic consumption to 1-2 drinks per day.

Lead a healthy Lifestyle.
How you live your life is just as important as is what you are eating. Exercise has been proven to lower your risk of getting cancer. Belly fat has been linked to prostate cancer, so exercises where you burn fat, such as running, swimming, or biking are recommended.

If you are a smoker, you are immediately more at risk to develop prostate cancer, as well as more likely to develop an aggressive form of the disease. If you have tried to quit before and failed, don’t give up! Talk to your doctor about pharmaceutical treatments and behavioral therapies that may aid you in your quest to quit. Maintaining a healthy weight is paramount to your health, so be sure to take a personal inventory and make changes to your lifestyle to achieve an acceptable weight for your height.

Have an orgasm.
This is definitely the most fun way you can prevent prostate cancer, as well as the easiest. In a recent study of 21,000 males, those who ejaculated 21 times or more a month were 33% less likely to develop the disease than their counterparts who only ejaculated once a week. What’s the best part about this prevention strategy? You don’t have to ejaculate from sexual intercourse, masturbation works just fine.

Get a suntan.
Studies have shown that men who live above 40 degrees latitude have an increased chance in developing fatal prostate cancer. Researchers contributed this statistic to decreased levels of Vitamin D. make sure you are getting an adequate amount of sunlight or ask your doctor about vitamin D supplements,

High levels of stress can take a toll on the body and can lead to overall unhappiness. Find an activity where you can relax and not worry about what’s going on at work or issues that your family is having. Yoga and meditation are great for the body as well as the mind, but any activity that you enjoy can be relaxing, whether it be golf, playing guitar, reading, or playing video games. Make sure you are taking time out of your day to do the things you enjoy.

Get a good nights sleep.
Sleep deprivation can wreck havoc on your blood sugar and your hormones, both of which, if not managed properly, can lead to prostatic growth. Practice good sleep hygiene by avoiding stimulants before bed time, setting a bed time routine, and putting your phone away before you lay down are all strategies that can help you fall asleep faster and get better quality of sleep. If you find yourself staring at social media an hour before bed, consider using the sleep feature on your phone.

Visit your doctor.
Getting regular physicals can reveal early symptoms of cancer or precancerous growths. A full physical should include blood work, and if you’re over 40 a digital rectal exam. Your doctor knows what to look for, so be sure to be honest when answering his or her questions. Changes in weight, sexual function, urination, or energy levels all need to be thoroughly evaluated by a physician.

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